Listening to crap UMNO people are saying

I’m moblogging this while attending UMNO branch meeting. Using wordpress editor on iPhone, nevertheless.

I’m an UMNO member in Kubang Kerian UMNO Division. This year is an exciting year for UMNO members n other parties as well.

Why? Because this year, UMNO have a chance to elect new leaders for the grass root all the way to the President of UMNO.

Anyhow, branch meeting is probably the most important aspect of UMNO building block. At branch meeting, branch leaders are elected which then will nominate division leaders of their choice.

The nominated division leaders were then elected during division meeting about 1-2 months after branch meeting.

This is where the things starts to heat up very rapidly.

During the division, members were required to nominate new leaders at national level, from Supreme Council member all the way to the President of the party.

What’s interesting about this bit is, nominated division leader tend to belong to the certain who are eyeing for top national post. Example would be Tg Razaliegh would have his men contesting for division chief, so would Pak Lah, Najib or Muhyuddin or who ever it would be. These men will try to win their respective post at division and then using the influence to nominate their respective leaders.

Getting tired of typing this post using iPhone. Continuing again later.

Thinking of which…


Hmmm… the first computer I ever used was Sinclair ZX81 with humongous pixel block there is. That was back in 1981. A year later, my dad bought me an Apple II compatible from Singapore (i think it was at Phoenix Plaza or something) and I really used it like a crazy kid with new toys… till I literally short circuited into smokes and flames.

Ahhhhh… WordStar … Ctrl-B and all…

But soon after, I got a brand new Apple IIe…. then Apple IIgs…

hehehehe damn … those were the days….. Amiga, Commodore 64, chess game Acorn…. or was it Argon… 


Think Different

I really love this…

The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things.

They invent. 
They imagine. 
They heal.
They explore. 
They create. 
They inspire.
They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

it’s from Apple’s Think Different commercial…

iPhone 2.0 and Caller ID

I have been using iPhone with 2.0 update since dev-team released Pwnage Tool 2.0 last Sunday.

So far, I’m loving it. AppStore truly revolutionized the mobile experience.

Despite all the goody goody feeling, I still have gripes about iPhone 2.0.

a. Can’t use the till version 4.0 comes out.
b. No iLog version for iPhone 2.0, can’t manage my call log.
c. No iSMS or WeTool for iPhone 2.0, can’t forward SMS nor contacts
d. No AppSupport patch, no caller id recognition with international numbers.

I can probably live without (a) since there’s AppStore now but (b) and (c) is rather important unless Apple decides to include that in next update but I need it now.

As for (d), it is simply a huge hassle not being able to recognize caller id. Fortunately, after poking around the root folder, using DiskAid, I have found out that Apple has moved the AppSupport framework to PrivateFrameworks folder and more importantly, tweaks can be applied very easily to support caller id from unsupported countries, like mine, Malaysia.

Get hold of CyberDuck, DiskAid, WinSCP or whatever you fancy, goto folder :/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSupport.framework/ and copy the PhoneNumberTemplates.plist file to your desktop. Make sure you make a backup of that file.


Using Property List Editor, add new entry as “my” like the pic below: (click to enlarge)

save it … replace it with the original in 


otherwise, you can download it at

reboot your iPhone… and be happy with it… 😀

Quickie : MV Augusta

Thanks to Tun Dr. M, I found this link:

Harley-Davidson drives to snap up MV Augusta

MV Agusta, Italy’s legendary motorcycle maker that dominated international racing from the late Fifties to the mid-Seventies, has been bought by the Harley-Davidson group.

The deal, announced yesterday, gives the Americans total ownership of the company for only €70 million (£56 million), including debts of about €45 million.

Guess the current Government gonna have a field day answering to why they sold MV Augusta for 1Euro…

“MV is synonymous with very beautiful Italian motorcycles of superior quality. The acquisition of MV Agusta will enable us to strengthen the position of Harley-Davidson as a global leader that aims to turn its clients’ dreams into reality by offering them an extraordinary experience.”

MobileMe experience…


After waiting impatiently for the MobileMe to be fully up and running, I’ve finally managed to play around with it a bit. For some odd reason, the first app that I tried out was MobileMe’s AddressBook.

First impression, WTF!!!! 

How come I have so many “No Name” in my listing? Did MobileMe screw up addressbook? A few moments later, I soon found out it was actually entries for Companies’ number.

Mobile Me Address Book

Mobile Me Address Book

What gives?!

Come on, Apple!!!! In the OS X AddressBook, I can use just the name of the Company as entry listing. This should reflect the same on MobileMe AddressBook.

Political talk…

Nelson made a very interesting statement…

In the yesteryears, during our fathers, the Chinese are afraid to talk, comment or say anything about Malaysian politics in the open, let alone, to Malays. It was considered as a very sensitive issue.

However, fast forward to today, we, the younger generation can talk, criticize more openly. Or maybe it’s just me… be able to accept criticism more openly. I don’t hold any grudge when my Chinese friends criticize about UMNO or BN. 

Could it be that we have evolved to become more civilized? More tolerant? More reasonable?

Appreciation to the nation

Just last week, I went to Acheh, Sumatera Indonesia for a business trip with my partners and associates. On the second day, during breakfast, we got into talking about how we appreciate our nation, Malaysia, second to none and with no comparison.

My Chinese partner, Nelson, rattled on how he could only spent up to 2 weeks only in Hong Kong or China before starts thinking about going back to Malaysia. It’s not just about food, but also about the environment, ambiance and the sense of security.

But the most interesting thing is how that feeling of self belonging to a nation is derived. Each and everyone of us, me, Kamel, Dr. Kamil, Alex and Nelson agreed that it all due to the handiwork (long and hard) of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

You see, all five of us are from business world. Big and small. I know for fact that none of these four ever benefited from any projects related to the government. And I for one, can proudly say that I have never benefited, let alone applied for tender to participate in ANY government’s project. And yet, we feel so thankful to Dr. M.

Oh, all of us also agreed that Pak Lah, the current premiere suxs, big time, at administration and management of the nation. Dr. M has built Malaysia to become Malaysia Inc. only to be dismantled, destroyed and burnt by Pak Lah.

Which is… suxs… big time…

Writing something…

Howdy all…

I think I’m gonna get my act together now…. and start writing blog seriously… and not like on and off like before.

I’ve been writing blogs for the past 5 or 6 years already but never really make time to keep publishing on constant basis. Hopefully, this time… it will be constant…

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